Friday, July 25, 2014

Our journey begins!!

California here we come!! This is our ride for the next 2 weeks!! FFF- forced family fun!!  First stop....West Memphis,AR. Seriously...just looking for answers to medical issues in California. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Left side drags (front view)

This is how I walk.

Left side drags (going up stairs)

This is how I go up stairs :-(

Left side drags (side view)...

This is what I look like walking (side view).

Medical Mystery......

Below you will find my recent letter to a doctor asking for help.  The letter has been given to countless doctors and still no explanation for my ailments.  Since my health is on a decline, I thought it would be best to record as much as I can. Maybe someone else has had similar problems and can help by sharing their experiences. 

As I write this today, it is June 9, 2014.  I cannot walk a few feet without stumbling or tripping. In the beginning, I had to step on the tips of my toes of my right foot  to give my left foot enough clearance to move forward. However, my left foot reacted like a “drop foot” and caused me to drag my toes leading to tripping. Currently, walking is more like hopping on my right leg and dragging my left leg.  In the process, my muscles become tight, my body temperature heats up, and my heart races feeling as if I am strenuously working out. I often lose my balance and  I am  essentially falling forward when walking. My left arm is still slow to move and my left hand is always in a cramp position.   I am also having difficulty with my tongue and it is becoming more difficult to talk.  I also have occasional bouts of drooling, muscle tremors (when stressed or exertion),  depression, feeling of hopelessness, quick to get angry, restless leg syndrome, and PLMS.  I can't get comfortable sitting due to my left leg always having the sensation of being asleep (No pins and needles, but the heaviness).  With two young children (6 year old and 3 year old) , it is hard to care for myself much less carry my own children.  Below is a summary of my medical history for your review.
> I had lower back pain that started in the summer of 2006.  It seemed to have come about “overnight” rather than “gradual”.  The pain was excruciating so I sought the advice of a orthopedic doctor at Jewett Orthopedic Clinic in Winter Park, FL.  I had an MRI and x-rays taken of my lower lumbar and was told that I had f herniated and bulging discs in the L2, L3 region. Not only did I have lower back pain but I had pain shooting from my left hip to my left foot.  I could walk but certainly not without struggle and extreme pain. .  I was prescribed Oxycodone and numerous other pain killer with no relief.  I would come home from work and basically take my pain pills and laid in bed all night in excruciating pain.  My doctor advised possible surgery but before that extreme he wanted to try the epidural.  Unfortunately, after 2 shots and no results, he discontinued the 3rd treatment.  My only hope at that point was surgery which I opted out.
> In February 2007, I became pregnant with my daughter. After the second trimester, my pain began to decrease and eventually just became dull and tolerable.  The only conclusion I had was that due to my pregnancy my spine had shifted and took pressure off of the herniated, bulging disc to allow more room and not pinch on any nerves.  It was like a miracle and I was able to fully live pain free so much that I forgot about it.
> During this delivery, I had an epidural and a vaginal delivery.
> In July 2008, I was in a car accident that required me to have a plate and 8 or so screws in my left hand.  They called it a “boxers fracture” and  I also had a miscarriage resulting in a D&C .
> In October 2008, I became pregnant with my son.  The pregnancy was normal but during a vacation to NC, I went into labor at about 25 weeks.  I went to the hospital only to be sent home.  The next day I returned to the hospital and the doctors immediately placed me in an inverted position.  The baby was already trying to come out.  I was rushed to a cesarean birth with general anesthesia ( I was not awake)  and my son was born but only living approximately 30 minutes.
> About December 2009, I became pregnant again and had a high risk pregnancy.  At 25 weeks, I had a cerclage where my cervix was sewn shut to prevent the baby from delivering early.  My husband gave me progesterone shots weekly in the buttocks.  During that pregnancy, I had carpel tunnel in both hands that the doctors predicted would be gone once I delivered my daughter.  I had a cesarean birth with epidural (I was awake).   After delivery, my right hand still had tingly, numbing issues.  I was given a nerve test on my right hand and concluded that I needed surgery in my right hand for carpel tunnel.  The carpel tunnel surgery was performed in February 2011 with no issues.  At that time my left hand became noticeably weak and slow to move  When I asked my doctor about it, he said we would keep an eye on it for now because we only have an order for my right hand.
> In March 2011, I asked my husband if it was possible that I had a stroke and not know since my left hand and arm was moving slowly.  We both put that out of thought.
> In May 2011, we moved to Piney Flats, TN.  I had a strange rash that would not go away on my neck and leg.  I sought medical advice only to be told it was just a bad rash which a dermatologist also diagnosed.  During that time, my husband and I continued the P90X exercise tapes which we began in March when we lived in SC.  Unfortunately, I did not wear sneakers during these exercises and developed planters fasciitis. I sought medical help but the doctor stated that there was really nothing they could do for that other than exercises.    During this time, it became noticeable that my left arm and left leg was beginning to move noticeably slower. I again sought medical advice and my doctor ran blood test and noted that “nothing was worrisome in my lab work”; however, my B12 was at 256 and she would like to see it greater than 500.  She advised b12 supplements and sent me to a neurologist.
> My visit to the neurologist was met with an MRI of the brain and he saw no irregularities.  He concluded that it was stress that was causing my issues and advised a therapist.  With no results, he recommended us to a movement disorder specialist Dr. Tolleson M.D. at Vanderbilt University Medical .  After first examination, he stated stress as the cause and prescribed Klonopin and physical therapy.  With no success, he ordered an MRI for my neck and he also saw no irregularities.  I asked if my lower back issues from the past could be affecting this and he noted that it could not be my lower back causing issues because my left hand was also being affected.  During my last visit, he prescribed baclofen because I complained of some cramping.  I chose not to take a medication that did not truly pertain to the problem at hand.
> In 2013, I had an EMG and Nerve Conduction Study.  Both of these tests were reported to have results within normal ranges.
> My thoughts are that it might be two separate issues and/ or related to on of the following but I really don't know and would love to have you examine me,  run tests, and find the solution:
> Stenosis of the spine
> B12 deficiency
> Side effect of  multiple epidurals (Pregnancy epidural are typically given at L2 - L5 locations)
> Herniated and degenerating disc (L2, L3)
> Bulging disc (L2 - L3)`
> Peripheral neuropathy
> Extra progesterone injections
> Possible effect from steel plate & screws in hand
> Diabetes
> Thyroid
> MS

> I have tried multiple specialties, providers, and even institutions without any answers. You are my last hope and I hope you will help me.